Famous Sideshow Barker Ward Hall’s Jacket
Famous Sideshow Barker Ward Hall’s Jacket. We are very fortunate to own such a true piece of americana!
Ward Hall is know as “The King of the Sideshows” Ward has worked with monkey girls, half-people, fat men, sword swallowers, fire eaters, giants, colossal snakes, huge rats and diminutive horses. In addition to owning dozens of sideshow and circuses during his long career, Ward has written four books, four musical stage productions, has appeared in seven movies, and more than 100 videos and TV specials, performed at Madison Square Garden and Lincoln Center in New York City and has sung at Carnegie Hall.
A true gentleman and legend, Ward Hall’s jacket from one of this sideshow exhibits. Nicely detailed and ready for displaying next to your sideshow collection. Well worn showing signs of wear. A true piece of art……………
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